Recently the weather is awful, the heat in the air is unbearable. My roommates and i are before wear. And to be exact, i did not sleep well through the last night, even my extra fan didn't help..
i woke up this morning and look through the old newspaper laid on the couch and this article caught my attention:
New Straits Time- Sunday People 12th April 2009
Deeply green in the workplaceRACHAEL PHILIP
Dump your rubbish at the office. You’d love that, wouldn’t you? Telco DiGi is mobilising its staff to take charge of environmental issues, writes RACHAEL PHILIP
FOR three weeks, the 2,000 employees of DiGi have been encouraged to bring their unwanted paper, plastic, glass and tins, and chuck them into big bins placed conveniently in its underground car park.
All over the office floors, there were posters on conserving energy and protecting the environment. There were also games, documentaries and talks.
The awareness campaign, organised by the company’s Corporate Responsibility Department and targeted at fellow DiGizens, was called Feel The Heat, Time To Change. It’s part of the company’s bigger Deep Green project launched last August.
Like all its previous environmental projects, it touched just about everyone in the office. They learned that small things — like switching off lights, recycling paper or not printing at all — made a difference.
“We didn’t want it to be just another environmental programme,” says Sumitra Nair, 38, senior counsel of CR. “We want to drive the message closer to home and eventually across our business.”
The aim: To reduce carbon footprint in the office by 50 per cent within three years. They are confident of achieving at least 30 per cent.
“We will have to work hard to make the other 20 per cent... by going the extra mile,” says the mother of two children, aged two and five.
to read the full article follow this link :
That is indeed a commendable act. As the proverbial goes action speaks louder than word..the point of the hour is not to brag about how grand your green idea is or to boost about the actions you would take SOON (ages later?), but to start at this moment, start from ourselves. Little deeds such as switching off the lights when it is not in use, recycle rough paper for your maths calculations, bring your own bag or basket to hypermarkets when you shop for groceries and plant some trees or even shrubs in front of your house is extremely simple and viable, yet they do good to the mother nature.
When everyone is willing to contribute just a little, it make a huge difference to the earth..
The rise of the sea levels due to the melting icebergs , floods, hurricanes, depletion of the ozone layer, etc...These are not new to all of us, if you ever pay a whisper of attention to the daily news. Why do all these happen? no doubt, the culprit is us- human being! human is brainy enough to know the right steps to be taken, we know why our earth is ill - so why not put it into action
lets start to save the earth now, to prevent further destruction to our home, to save our future generation a shelter; BEFORE it is TOO LATE